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Hangar Auto-Publishing

If you want to automatically publish your plugin to Hangar on commits, you can use our Gradle plugin.

After you have added the required hangarPublish configuration, you can manually publish it by running ./gradlew build publishPluginPublicationToHangar, or have GitHub Actions automatically publish a version on every commit.



Your plugin project needs to use Gradle as its build tooling.


If you are using Maven, switching to a Gradle setup is easy and in general recommended due to higher configurability and support for other plugins, such as when compiling against an unobfuscated Minecraft server.

The provided examples use Kotlin DSL, but you can also do the same using Groovy. Online converters (even ChatGPT) are able to convert the example code.

Creating the Snapshot release channel

The builds script below will publish non-release builds under a Snapshot channel. You need to create this channel in your Hangar project's channel page first.

Create a Snapshot channel

Adding the HANGAR_API_TOKEN repository secret

First, you need to create a Hangar API token. Go to your Hangar settings in the profile dropdown and click on "Api keys" on the left. Then, tick the create_version permission box, give the key a name and create it. At the top, you should be given your secret API token. Do not share this with anyone; you will need it in the next step.

The GitHub Actions workflow provided uses a repository secret to store your Hangar API key. Go to your GitHub project settings, then click on "Actions" under the Security tab and click the "New repository secret" button. Name the secret HANGAR_API_TOKEN and paste the Hangar API token from the previous step into the Secret field.

Action secrets

Project files

The files below are simple examples that require little manual changes for you to use, but you can still adapt them depending on your needs. Take a look at the comments and especially the TODOs to figure out what you still need to change.

Create a file in your project root directory if it does not already exist. In there, you define the platform versions your plugin is compatible with. Simply remove the platforms you don't need and put in the correct versions.

Hangar allows version ranges (such as 1.19-1.20.2) and wildcards (such as 1.20.x).

# Specify the platform versions for Paper and Velocity.
# Hangar also allows version ranges (such as 1.19-1.20.2) and wildcards (such as 1.20.x).
# TODO: Remove the platforms you don't need and put in the correct versions.
paperVersion=1.12.2, 1.16.5, 1.19-1.20.2


In the plugins block of your build.gradle.kts build script, add the publish plugin:

plugins {
id("io.papermc.hangar-publish-plugin") version "0.1.0"

Then you simply need to add the hangarPublish configuration block and make sure you do the following:

  • If your plugin is not a Paper plugin, or supports Velocity as well, copy the register block with a different platform and change the property used instead of paperVersion (as declared in the file).
  • Insert the correct project namespace
  • Insert your plugin dependencies, if any
  • You need to have the HANGAR_API_TOKEN repository secret set up if you are using the Actions file below, otherwise add the API key in some other way.
import io.papermc.hangarpublishplugin.model.Platforms

// ...

hangarPublish {
publications.register("plugin") {
version.set(project.version as String)
channel.set("Snapshot") // We're using the 'Snapshot' channel
// TODO: Edit the project name to match your Hangar project
platforms {
// TODO: Use the correct platform(s) for your plugin
register(Platforms.PAPER) {
// TODO: If you're using ShadowJar, replace the jar lines with the appropriate task:
// jar.set(tasks.shadowJar.flatMap { it.archiveFile })
// Set the JAR file to upload
jar.set(tasks.jar.flatMap { it.archiveFile })

// Set platform versions from file
val versions: List<String> = (property("paperVersion") as String)
.map { it.trim() }

// TODO: Configure your plugin dependencies, if any
dependencies {
// Example for a dependency found on Hangar
hangar("Maintenance") {
// Example for an external dependency
url("Debuggery", "") {

Optional: Going deeper

With the following channels, any version that contains a hyphen (-) will be published under the Snapshot channel that you need to create on Hangar. By editing the channel.set(...) line, you can change this to any channel you would like. For example, you could further split builds depending on the branch you are currently on into Alpha builds.


Make sure you never publish ongoing development builds to the Release channel.


// ...

// Helper methods
fun executeGitCommand(vararg command: String): String {
val byteOut = ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine = listOf("git", *command)
standardOutput = byteOut
return byteOut.toString(

fun latestCommitMessage(): String {
return executeGitCommand("log", "-1", "--pretty=%B")

val versionString: String = version as String
val isRelease: Boolean = !versionString.contains('-')

val suffixedVersion: String = if (isRelease) {
} else {
// Give the version a unique name by using the GitHub Actions run number
versionString + "+" + System.getenv("GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER")

// Use the commit description for the changelog
val changelogContent: String = latestCommitMessage()

// If you would like to publish releases with their proper changelogs manually, simply add an if statement with the `isRelease` variable here.
hangarPublish {
publications.register("plugin") {
channel.set(if (isRelease) "Release" else "Snapshot")
// ... (see above)

GitHub Actions workflow

You don't necessarily need to publish via GitHub Actions, but it is an easy way to do so. If you want to use it, create a publish.yml file in the .github/workflows directory of your project root folder and make sure you add the repository secret.

You can add and remove branches to be published by editing the branches section.

name: Publish to Hangar
# Add any additional branches you want to automatically publish from
- main # Assuming your main branch is called 'main'

# TODO: Optional, make sure the task only runs on pushes to your repository and doesn't fail on forks. Uncomment the line below and put the repo owner into the quotes
# if: github.repository_owner == '<YOUR USER/ORG NAME>'
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Validate Gradle Wrapper
uses: gradle/wrapper-validation-action@v1
- name: Set up JDK 17
uses: actions/setup-java@v3
distribution: 'temurin'
java-version: 17
- name: Publish
# Make sure you have added a repository secret in the repository's settings
run: ./gradlew build publishPluginPublicationToHangar --stacktrace